Prayers of Intercession
Prayers for All Seasons
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Anonymous Confession
Praise Songs
Dear God, I come before you today struggling with feelings of envy. There are those around me who have achieved successes that I covet. This has caused bitterness and resentment to take root in my heart. Forgive me for these sinful attitudes, Lord. You tell us in your word not to compare ourselves to others. Remind me that you have gifted each person uniquely, and you alone determine our steps and seasons. While others enjoy prosperity now, my time may come later, or you may have something d... Read More
Lord, I confess that I have been focused too much on material possessions and wealth. I have desired money and nice things thinking they would make me happy, but in pursuing them I have neglected what really matters. Forgive me for making riches and status idols in my life. Remind me that true meaning and contentment are found in loving You and serving others. Open my eyes to see the blessings You have already given me. Soften my heart to be generous and find joy in simplicity. Guide me to ... Read More