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For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. ~ Romans 3:23
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Daily Prayer To The Holy Spirit #1

Daily Prayer To The Holy Spirit #1

Creator Spirit, come and visit the souls that are Yours:
fill with heavenly grace the hearts that You created.
You are called by the names of Paraclete,
gift of God most high, spring of life,
fire, love and the soul's anointing.
Seven gifts are Yours to give.
You are the finger of the Father's right hand.
You, the clear promise of the Father,
give men's tongues the grace of speech.
Kindle a light in our minds,
pour love into our hearts
and uphold with Your unfailing strength
the frailty of our human nature.
Drive our enemy far from us
and give us always the gift of peace;
so may it be that,
with Your grace ever guiding us in this way,
we may avoid all that is sinful.
Grant that through You
we may know the Father and the Son,
and may we ever believe You
to be the Spirit of both
the Father and the Son.
Glory be to God the Father,
and to the Son,
who rose from the dead,
and to the Paraclete
for ever and ever.
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