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Evening Prayers

Evening Prayers

The following form of evening prayers is taken from "The
Key of Heaven, a Manual of Prayer for the Use of the
Faithful", Imprimatur P. Fenton, Vicar General,
In the Name of the + Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
O my God,
I believe that Thou art here present;
and that Thou observest all my actions,
all my thoughts,
and the most secret motions of my heart.
I adore Thee,
and I love Thee with my whole heart.
I return Thee thanks for all the benefits
which I have ever received from Thee,
and particularly this day.
Give me light, O my God,
to see what sins I have committed this day,
and grant me grace to be truly sorry for them.
Here examine whether you have offended God during the day,
by any thought, word, or deed, or by neglect of any
O my God,
who art infinitely good in Thyself,
and infinitely good to me,
I am sorry,
and beg pardon for all my sins,
and detest them above all things,
because they deserve Thy dreadful punishments,
because they have crucified my loving Saviour Jesus
and, most of all,
because they offend Thine infinite goodness;
and I firmly resolve,
by the help of Thy grace,
never to offend Thee again,
and carefully to avoid the occasions of sin.
Here put yourself in the disposition you desire to be
found at the hour of death.
O my God,
I accept of death as an act of homage and adoration
which I owe to Thy Divine Majesty,
as a punishment justly due to my sins,
in union with the death of my dear Redeemer,
and as the only means of coining to Thee,
my beginning and last end.
Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit;
Lord Jesus, receive my soul.
O holy Mary,
be a mother to me.
May the blessed Virgin Mary,
Saint Joseph,
and all the Saints,
pray for us to our Lord,
that we may be preserved this night from sin and all
O my good Angel,
whom God has appointed to be my guardian,
watch over me during this night.
All ye Angels and Saints of God,
pray for me.
May our Lord bless us,
and preserve us from all evil,
and bring us to life everlasting.
And may the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
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