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Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  Ephesians 4:29
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Haiku Prayer #1

Haiku Prayer #1

We praise you, O God,
for forming Mary to be
mother of your Son.
More Acts of Prayers

Haiku Prayer # 1 We praise you, O God, for forming Mary to be mother of your Son....

Haiku Prayer # 10 Blessed mother, pray to Jesus for all the world, pray to Him for us....

Haiku Prayer # 11 Hear our prayers for help, holy mother of Jesus: pray for us always....

Haiku Prayer # 12 Holy Trinity, as You lived in Mary's heart, live in our hearts too....

Haiku Prayer # 13 God of life and love, fill us with love for Jesus, holy Mary's son....

Haiku Prayer # 14 Jesus, holy Lord, help us to follow You now as Mary followed....

Haiku Prayer # 15 Pray for us, Mary, as we follow your Jesus each day of our life....

Haiku Prayer # 16 Lead us in the paths of grace and love, holy God, as You led Mary....

Haiku Prayer # 2 Jesus, holy Lord, we praise you and follow you, and honour Mary....

Haiku Prayer # 3 O holy Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus, pray for us sinners....

Haiku Prayer # 4 Mary our mother, teach us to love your Jesus as you have loved Him....

Haiku Prayer # 5 Mother of our God and Saviour, Jesus our Lord, pray for us to God...

Haiku Prayer # 6 Mother of our hope, mother of Jesus our Lord, pray for us always....

Haiku Prayer # 7 Mary, our Lady, pray to your Son for us all, pray for us today....

Haiku Prayer # 8 Holiest mother, look on God's children with love and pray for us all....

Haiku Prayer # 9 We come now with love, holy mother of Jesus: pray for us this day....