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Home / Pro Life Prayers / Prayer at an Abortion Chamber
Because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us foreverĀ  2 John 1:2
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Prayer at an Abortion Chamber

Prayer at an Abortion Chamber

Father, I come to this place as to a new Calvary,
I wish to stand here with Mary
and those others who stood by the cross of Jesus
the day he sacrificed himself for us sinners.
I firmly believe the sorrowful scene before my eyes
is nothing less than a reenactment of Jesus' suffering and death,
already anticipated in the massacre of the Innocents of Bethlehem
and repeated in the slaughter of the least of his brethren,
the tiny children brought here today to be slain.
Father, I realize I cannot stop the killing of most of these children,
any more than Mary could have stopped the slaying of her Child that fatal day.
But in faith I unite my heart with hers
and humbly adore YOur Divine purpose in allowing such bloodshed.
I offer You the blood of Jesus,
and, mingled with it,
the blood of these little ones,
for their own salvation and for that of their parents,
the abortionist, and our whole generation.
Remember Jesus' own prayer from the cross
with its echo in Mary's heart:
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
But perhaps the hour has not come for some of them.
Once you told Joseph to take the Child and his mother
far from those seeking the Child's life.
I offer myself to you, as St. Joseph's helper,
ready to do everything I can for my beloved Jesus and Mary
in the person of the child and mother you entrust to my care.
Dear Father, accept my prayer in the name of Jesus.
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