Don’t judge according to appearances. Judge with right judgment. ~ John 7:24
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Prayer for a Blessing on the New Year
O sacred and adorable Trinity, hear our prayers on behalf of our holy Father the Pope, our Bishops, our clergy, and for all that are in authority over us. Bless, we beseech Thee, during the coming year, the whole Catholic Church; convert heretics and unbelievers; soften the hearts of sinners so that they may return to Thy friendship; give prosperity to our country and peace among the nations of the world; pour down Thy blessings upon our friends, relatives, and acquaintances, and upon our enemies, if we have any; assist the poor and the sick; have pity on the souls of those whom this year has taken from us; and do Thou be merciful to those who during the coming year will be summoned before Thy judgment seat. May all our actions be preceded by Thy inspirations and carried on by Thy assistance, so that all our prayers and works, having been begun in Thee, may likewise be ended through Thee. Amen.
More Acts of Prayers
A Prayer for the Gift of Wisdom
Great is the wisdom of the Lord! God Almighty, Your Wisdom includes An understan...
A Thanksgiving Day Prayer # 2
Father, all of Creation rightly owes you thanks and praise. Your justice, love a...
An Act of Thanksgiving for the Blessings of the Past Year
O God, the beginning and the end of all things, Who art always the same, and Who...
Prayer for the Thanksgiving
Father all-powerful, your gifts of love are countless and your goodness infinite...
Prayer of Thanksgiving
O God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of Whose goodness the treasure i...
Thanksgiving Day Prayer
Father all-powerful, Your gifts of love are countless and Your goodness infinite...
Thanksgiving Prayer
Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please loo...
The Prayer Seven Thanksgiving for the Seven Shedding of Our Lord's Blood (against the Seven Deadly Sins.)
O most humble Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, eternal prai...