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The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? ~ Jeremiah 17:9
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Prayer for those Lives I've Touched - F. E. Callaghan

Prayer for those Lives I've Touched - F. E. Callaghan

Beloved Shepherd of Souls!
As I tread into the sunset of my life,
I grow anxious for the spiritual welfare of souls
who came to know me.
It grieves me to think
of the offenses they may have committed
because of words or deeds of mine.
I have in mind those who were my close responsibility
as well as those whom I sponsored in Baptism
and whose spiritual condition is no longer known to me.
In Your Merciful Goodness
I now plead for the pardon of the soul
who because of me may have lost Your favour.
humbly I implore You,
let not one of them be lost,
but when they leave this world
may they find glorious entry
into the Kingdom of Heaven!
On behalf of those
who may need to atone for offenses
I may have caused them to commit,
I offer You any infirmities
or sufferings I am to undergo
during the remaining years of my life.
Dear Shepherd of Souls,
grant them life eternal.
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