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What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?  Romans 6:1
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Promises of Consolation to Christ

Promises of Consolation to Christ

We promise for the future that We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the forgetfulness and ingratitude of men, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the way Thou art neglected in Thy holy tabernacle, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the crimes of sinners, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the sacrileges which profane Thy Sacrament of Love, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the irreverence displayed in Thy presence, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the coldness on the part of Thy children, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For their contempt of Thy loving invitations, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the faithlessness of those who call themselves Thy friends, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the bad example we have given, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For the abuse of Thy grace, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For our long delay in loving Thee, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For our past sins, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For our own unfaithfulness, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For our indifference in Thy service, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For keeping Thee waiting at the door of our hearts, We will console Thee, O Lord.
For Thy sighs and tears, We will console Thee, O Lord.
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