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My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.  John 15:12
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Renewal of Baptismal Promises

Renewal of Baptismal Promises

Lord Jesus Christ, I acknowledge you as King of the universe. All creation was made for you. Exercise all your sovereign rights over me. I renew my baptismal promises, renouncing Satan and all his works and empty promises, and I promise to lead a good Christian life. I will try to bring about the recognition of the truth of God and your Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer all my actions that every human heart may accept your kingship. May the kingdom of your peace be established across the world.
More Acts of Prayers

A Catholic Prayer from the Grace from all the World's Masses Eternal Father, we humbly offer Thee our poor presence, and that of the whole of...

A Hiking Prayer Lord Jesus, Help me to be straightforward like the sky-seeking redwood tree. May...

A Prayer Before Reading the Bible Our Father, who art in heaven, sacred is Your Word. Your kingdom come, Your Word...

A Prayer Before Starting a Journey My holy Angel Guardian, ask the Lord to bless the journey which I undertake, tha...

A Prayer for America Father, we beg Your blessing for the Right to Life, the Unborn, the weak, the si...

A Prayer for Deacons and Other Ministers Heavenly Father, since the time of the Apostles you have inspired the Church to ...

A Prayer for Deliverance My Jesus, by the sorrows Thou didst suffer in Thine agony in the Garden, in Thy ...

A Prayer for Friends and Benefactors O God, bountiful in forgiving, and lovingly desirous of man's salvation, we humb...

A Prayer for Guidance Lord Jesus, may everything I do begin with You, continue with Your help, and be ...

A Prayer for Heavenly Treasures King Jesus, rich in Heavenly treasures, You Who chose to embrace earthly poverty...

A Prayer for Might Against Greed Displaying the treasures of Your work, Jesus, You invited me to follow You, To s...

A Prayer for My Intellect Lord, You are the Source of all Life, all Truth, and all Beauty, I pray to You t...

A Prayer For One's Calling Jesus, Divine Caller of vocations, You invite some to chosen professions, Others...

A Prayer for our Nation's Election O God, we acknowledge You today as Lord, Not only of individuals, but of nations...

A Prayer for Our National Election (authored by Fr. Frank Pavone.) O God, we acknowledge You today as Lord, Not only of individuals, but of nations...

A Prayer for Surviving Friends Grant, O Lord, we beseech Thee, that while we lament the departure of Thy servan...

A Prayer for the Dead God our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives,...

A Prayer for the Forgotten Dead O merciful God, take pity on those souls who have no particular friends and inte...

A Prayer for the Gift of Knowledge Absolute and all knowing God, Nothing is hidden from Your sight. In the prescien...

A Prayer for the Gift of Wisdom Great is the wisdom of the Lord! God Almighty, Your Wisdom includes An understan...

A Prayer for the Holy Souls O Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful depart...

A Prayer for the Most Forgotten Soul O Lord God Almighty, I beseech Thee by the Precious Body and Blood of Thy Divine...

A Prayer for the Unborn Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devi...

A Prayer for Visioning Eternal Father, through the resurrection of Jesus the good news of Your love has...

A Prayer for Wales O Almighty God, Who in Thine infinite goodness has sent Thine only-begotten Son ...

A Prayer in Time of Calamnity Mercy of God, encompass us, and deliver us from every plague. Glory Be To The Fa...

A Prayer in Time of Distress. I shall walk through dark valleys, I fear no harm for you are at my side. Your r...

A Prayer of Gratitude for God's Blessings - Acts of Thomas O Lord and Vivifier, Your grace has achieved for us all that You had spoken and ...

A Prayer to be Generous Teach me, Lord Jesus, to be generous: to serve You as You deserve; to give, not ...

A Prayer to Defeat the Work of Satan O Divine Eternal Father, in union with your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, and ...

A Prayer to Rebuke Satan Heavenly Father, I ask You in the name, and through the Blood of Your Divine Son...

A Spirit to Know You Gracious and Holy Father, Please give me: intellect to understand you, reason to...

A Teacher's Prayer (by Olga De Juana) Help me to be a fine teacher, to keep peace in the classroom, peace between my s...

Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You and I detest all my sins, ...

Act of Resignation to the Divine Will O Lord my God, I now, at this moment, readily and willingly accept at Your hands...

Adoration Prayer My Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are really here in this Sacrament. Nigh...

Agnus Dei #1 Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, grant them rest. Lamb of Go...

Agnus Dei #2 O My Lord Jesus Christ, the true Lamb Who takest away the sins of the world; by ...

Alma Redemptoris Mater Loving mother of the Redeemer, gate of heaven, star of the sea, assist your peop...

An Examination of Conscience This section has been prepared as a spiritual tool for Adults, High School Stude...

Anima Christi Soul of Christ, make me holy. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, fill me ...

Ave, Regina Caelorum Hail, O Queen of Heaven enthroned! Hail, by angels Mistress owned Root of Jesse,...

Before the Closing of the Day Before the closing of the day, Creator, we Thee humbly pray, That, for Thy wonte...

Canticle Of The Three Youths Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord; Praise and exalt him above all foreve...

Canticle of Zechariah Blessed be the Lord, The God of Israel; He has come to His people and set them f...

Confiteor I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael, the ...

Consecration of America Immaculate Mary, most Holy Mother of God and of Our Lord and SavioUr Jesus Chris...

Daily Offering O Jesus, through the immaculate heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, jo...

Daily Offering - Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher, O.F.M. Cap. God the Father, I thank Thee for creating me. God the Son, I thank Thee for red...

Daily Prayer for the Holy Souls Immortal God, holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise ...

Dedication of a Family to the Precious Blood Permit us, O Jesus, to dedicate to you each member of our family. Acccept each o...

Dedication of Newly Married Couple to the Precious Blood Lord Jesus, (on this happy day) we thank you for the joy of N. and N. Through al...

Each New Day Let me pause as I begin this new day to give it to You, Lord. Before the tumult ...

Everything has its Time For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a t...

Glory Be to the Father Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the b...

Grace Before Meals # 1 Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your ...

Growing Up Prayer With each new day that dawns I am growing up, O Lord. It's not too soon to start...

Guardian Angel Prayer - Old O Holy Angel, attendant of my wretched soul and of mine afflicted life, forsake ...

Hail Holy Queen Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee...

Hail Mary Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst women a...

Hail Star of the Sea Hail, O Star of the ocean, God's own Mother blest, ever sinless Virgin, gate of ...

Hail True Body Truly Born Hail, true Body, truly born Of the Virgin Mary mild Truly offered, wracked and t...

Hail, O Queen of Heaven Enthroned Hail, O Queen of Heaven enthroned! Hail, by Angels mistress owned! Root of Jesse...

Hail, Thou Star of Ocean Hail, thou star of ocean! portal of the sky! Ever virgn Mother of the Lord Most ...

Hail, You Star of the Ocean Hail, you Star of the Ocean! Portal of the sky, Ever Virgin Mother, Of the Lord ...

Heart Prayer Saint Michael, your heart was filled with great charity for God and man. Our Lor...

Help of All in Need Holy Mary, help those in need, give strength to the weak, comfort the sorrowful,...

Hymn for the Holy Souls (by John Henry Cardinal Newman in 1857) Help, Lord, the souls which Thou hast made, The souls to Thee so dear, In prison...

In the Shadow of Your Mercy Rejoice Virgin Mary, full of grace. O Theotokos, the Lord is with you. Blessed a...

In Time of Need Heavenly Father, in my present need, help me to believe that you are aware of my...

Intercessory prayer combined w/ Amini Christi Soul of Christ,sanctify the Universal Church. Body of Christ,save the Universal ...

Jubilee Prayer Lord, Jesus We your Church of the Archdiocese of Regina look forward with joy an...

Magnificat My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; Because He ...

Married Couple's Prayer to the Sacred Heart O most Sacred Heart of Jesus, King and center of all hearts, dwell in our hearts...

Morning Prayer In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I will begin this day. I thank you, Lord, f...

My Children My children, know you not that the Earth And all that dwells therein Is but a re...

My Daily Prayer O My God, I place my trust and confidence in You, who will reward the good and p...

New Year's Prayer (by Archbishop Carroll.) Almighty and eternal God, You have, through Jesus Christ, revealed Your glory to...

Nine Elevations to the Sacred Heart 1. Heart of Jesus, perfect Adorer of God, teach me to adore the Father with Thee...

O Holy Family of Nazareth O Holy Family of Nazareth, community of love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, model an...

O Salutary Sacrifice (o Salutaris Hostia) O Salutary Sacrifice! Whose death has opened Paradise: By hostile war oppressed,...

O Spotless Lamb Prayer O Spotless Lamb of God! while Thy judges proclaim Thee an impostor, I rise witho...

Oblation of the Little Flower O My God, I return Thee thanks for all Thou hast done, for what Thou art doing, ...

Our Father # 1 (the Lord's Prayer) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will ...

Our Father # 2 Our Father, in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be do...

Our Father in Heaven Our Father in heaven, We come to you today with open hearts and minds, Grateful ...

Pange Lingua Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory, Of His flesh the mystery sing; Of the bloo...

Pastores Dabo Vobis (i Will Give You Shepherds) O Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ and Mother of priests, accept this title which we...

Prayer After Meditation O my God, I give Thee heartfelt thanks for all the graces Thou hast conferred on...

Prayer Against Pests Graciously hear our prayers, we beseech You, O Lord, that we who are justly puni...

Prayer before the Way of the Cross My Lord Jesus Christ, Thou hast made this journey to die for me with love unutte...

Prayer before any Good Works (Whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Chri...

Prayer Before Communion Father in heaven, you have made us for yourself; our hearts are restless until t...

Prayer Before Meals Bless us Oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy b...

Prayer for a Happy Death O God, great and omnipotent judge of the living and the dead, we are to appear b...

Prayer for a Special Nurse Long before you entered nursing The Lord had played His part, Planting seeds of ...

Prayer for All Humanity Bless us all, 0 Lord, we pray, for loved ones, here and near, and far away. And ...

Prayer for America Father, once again we are reminded that any security we have as individuals and ...

Prayer For Charity O my Jesus, Thou who art very Love, enkindle in my heart that Divine Fire which ...

Prayer for Courage in the Time of Battle O Prince of peace, we humbly ask your protection for all our men and women in mi...

Prayer For Daily Neglects Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all its love, all i...

Prayer for Deliverance My Jesus, by the sorrows Thou didst suffer in Thine agony in the Garden, in Thy ...

Prayer for Employment God, our Father, I turn to you seeking your divine help and guidance as I look f...

Prayer for Fellow Combatants Lord God, Remember Christ your Son who is peace itself and who has washed away o...

Prayer for God's Blessing of One's Daily Work O Lord, my God, Creator and Ruler of the universe, it is Your Will that human be...

Prayer for Government Leader God of power and might, wisdom and justice, through you authority is rightly adm...

Prayer for Grace O my God and my all, in Thy goodness and mercy, grant that before I die I may re...

Prayer for Holy Saturday (This prayer is designed to be said within the family before a Crucifix on Holy ...

Prayer for Innocent Victims of War Lord God, your own Son was delivered into the hands of the wicked, yet he prayed...

Prayer for Justice #1 Father, you have given all peoples one common origin. It is your will that they ...

Prayer for Life O God, our Creator, all life is in your hands from conception until death. Help ...

Prayer for Mission # 2 Lord, our God, help us to walk with you on the pathway of the beatitudes and to ...

Prayer for Mission #1 (To Saint Eugene de Mazenod.) God our Father, we thank you for having called Sai...

Prayer for Officers in Command God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Hear my prayer for these soldiers under...

Prayer for Our Country Almighty God, bless our nation and make it true to the ideas of freedom and just...

Prayer for Our Enemies Jesus, Prince of Peace, you have asked us to love our enemies and pray for those...

Prayer for our Nation (U.S.A) God our Father, Giver of life, we entrust the United States of America to Your l...

Prayer for Personal Forgiveness Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sins, I renounce Satan and all his works, And I gi...

Prayer for Policemen O Almighty God, Whose great power and eternal Wisdom embraces the universe, Watc...

Prayer for Rain O God, in Whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us rain, in due abund...

Prayer for Refugees and Victims of War Lord God, no one is a stranger to you and no one is ever far from your loving ca...

Prayer for Renew Glory to you, O Lord our God, Your love calls us to be your people. By sharing o...

Prayer for Seafarers Heavenly Father: we pray to You for those on the perilous ocean that You will em...

Prayer for Social Justice Lord Jesus, Carpenter and King, supreme Sovereign of all men, look with tender m...

Prayer for Society O Jesus, come back into our society, our family life, our souls and reign there ...

Prayer for the Bishop Heavenly Father, in these trying times when the spirit of the age threatens Chri...

Prayer for the Bishop's Annual Appeal Loving and gracious God You gave us your Son, Jesus Christ. He gave of Himself, ...

Prayer for the Bishop's Annual Appeal - (Extracted from "Sharing His Blessings"-Bishop's Annual Appeal 2001) Loving and gracious God You gave us your Son, Jesus Christ. He gave of Himself,...

Prayer for the Church #1 We pray You, O almighty and eternal God! Who through Jesus Christ hast revealed ...

Prayer for the Feast of Corpus Christ TI Throughout the year, O Jesus, thou dost remain humbly hidden within the tabernac...

Prayer for the Gift of Prudence Jesus, artful Master of Parables, Your prudence eluded the hypocrites. Your acti...

Prayer for the Helpless Unborn Heavenly Father, You create men in Your own image, and You desire that not even ...

Prayer for the Innocent Victims of War Lord God, your own Son was delivered into the hands of the wicked, yet he prayed...

Prayer for the Laity Heavenly Father, you have called us all to holiness which means sharing in your ...

Prayer for the Octave of Pentecost [A family prayer for eight days after the Feast of Pentecost, or the Octave of P...

Prayer for the Poor Who is Jesus to me? Jesus is the Word made Flesh. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Je...

Prayer for the Sick Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our commun...

Prayer for Those Living Alone Heavenly Father, my true Provider, in all my daily needs, protect and guide me. ...

Prayer Found Under Christ's Sepulchre 1503 Ad O God Almighty, who suffered death upon the cross, particularly for my sins, be ...

Prayer in a Time of Waiting All powerful and ever-living God, Guard our churches, our homes, our schools, ou...

Prayer in Memory of the Scourging Jesus, in Thy cruel scourging in which Thou shed Thy Blood most painfully and ab...

Prayer in the Steps of the Passion Most dear Jesus, filled with sorrow during the agony in the garden, covered with...

Prayer in Time of Illness Lord Jesus, you came into the world to heal our infirmities and to endure our su...

Prayer in Time of Need. Jesus, do not leave me alone in suffering. You know, Lord, how weak I am. I am a...

Prayer in Time of Sleeplessness Lord Jesus Christ, During Your earthly sojourn You went sleepness at times and s...

Prayer in Time of Suffering Behold me, my beloved Jesus, weighed down under the burden of my trials and suff...

Prayer of Aspiration I have broken out of my prison ... but I am still not free. I have been comfort...

Prayer of Praise and Thanks Blessed are you, Lord God: Blessed are you for ever. Holy is your name: Blessed ...

Prayer of Reparation Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred heart of Jesus, with all Its love, all I...

Prayer of Supplication O Holy Souls, as one truly devoted to you I promise never to forget you, and con...

Prayer of Thanks for People God of Love, I thank You for the people in my life who are easy to love. I thank...

Prayer Of The Christian Farmer O God, Source and Giver of all things, Who manifests Your infinite majesty, powe...

Prayer on the Eve of Battle God of power and mercy, maker and love of peace, to know you is to live, and to ...

Prayer to Amend One's Ways O Master, Lord Jesus Christ, You patiently endured our sins, and were hung upon ...

Prayer to be Generous Teach me, Lord Jesus, to be generous: to serve You as You deserve; to give, not ...

Prayer to become more like Jesus God, our Father, You redeemed us and made us Your children in Christ. Through Hi...

Prayer to Christ the King # 2 O Jesus Christ, I acknowledge Thee as universal King. All that has been made, ha...

Prayer to Defeat the Work of Satan O Divine Eternal Father, in union with your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit, and ...

Prayer to Fr. Michael J. Mcgivney (founder of the Knights of Columbus) O great and glorious God, you imbued your holy priest, Father Michael J. McGivne...

Prayer to God the Father Almighty God, my Eternal Father, from the fullness of my soul I adore You. I am ...

Prayer to Jesus Christ the King Almighty, everlasting God, Who in Thy beloved Son, King of the whole world, hast...

Prayer to live in God's Presence God, my Father, You have promised to remain forever with those who do what is ju...

Prayer to Love God above all Things God, my Father, may I love You in all things and above all things. May I reach t...

Prayer to Our Lady Remember, O most loving Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fle...

Prayer to Redeem Lost Time O my God! Source of all mercy! I acknowledge Thy sovereign power. While recallin...

Prayer to the Holy Spirit Breathe into me Holy Spirit, That all my thoughts may be holy. Move in me, Holy ...

Prayers For the Christian Unity #1 Eternal Father, we praise you for sending your Son to be one of us and to save u...

Prayers for the Vocations #1 Eternal God... Bless your Church with holy and faithful priests, deacons, brothe...

Promises of Consolation to Christ We promise for the future that We will console Thee, O Lord. For the forgetfuln...

Psalm 31 (the Second Penitential Psalm) Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Bles...

Rosary Prayers O my Jesus, have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hel...

The Angelus V The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R- And she conceived of the Holy Spiri...

The Apostles' Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus...

The Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed ar...

The Catholic Prayer - A Special Act of Sorrow Forgive me my sins, O Lord, forgive me my sins; the sins of my youth, the sins o...

The Divine Praises Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God an...

The Nicene Creed We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of all that is, seen and ...

The Our Father Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will ...

The Prayer "As I'm the Lord" - Father Raymond, a Pavlik Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson, N.J Because I am obnoxious, forgive me Lord. Because I am dishonest, forgive me Lord...

The Prayer "Thank You God" For all You have given, Thank You God. For all You have withheld, Thank You God...

The Prayer - You Are Christ (By Saint Augustine of Hippo.) Prayer You are Christ, my Holy Father, my Tender God, my Great King, my Good She...

The Prayer of Aspirations to Jesus Jesus! Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Christ conquers! Christ reigns! Chr...

The Spirit to Know You - St. Benedict of Nursia, ca Gracious and Holy Father, Please give me: intellect to understand you, reason to...

The Ten Commandments 1. I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before Me. 2. You sha...

The Universal Prayer (attributed to Pope Clement Xi) Lord, I believe in you: increase my faith. I trust in you: strengthen my trust. ...

To Perceive Animals as God's Gifts God Our Heavenly Father, You created the world to serve humanity's needs and to ...